Your heart rate, breathing or respiratory rate, blood pressure, and temperature are known as your vital signs. Measuring your vital signs helps your healthcare provider understand how your body is working.
This video will teach viewers how to describe their abdominal pain and identify some of the possible underlying causes, as well as learn strategies for at-home care.
This video will teach women how to describe their abdominal pain and identify some of the possible underlying causes, as well as learn strategies for at-home care.
This video will teach viewers what causes chest pain, how to accurately describe and recognize the different types of chest pain, and how to relieve symptoms or seek out emergency medical care.
This video will teach viewers how to recognize the symptoms of a threatened miscarriage in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, as well as what they should do when symptoms appear and what they can expect from their doctors.
This video will teach viewers what causes kidney stones and their symptoms. They will also learn how kidney stones are diagnosed and treated.
This video will teach viewers how the common cold is transmitted and how to treat its symptoms with over-the-counter medications and home-care strategies.
Watch this to understand what the differences are between a cold and an allergy.
Know when to call your doctor if you experience symptoms of the flu.
This video will teach patients strategies for treating diarrhea and vomiting at home, as well as recognizing when they should seek out medical help.
Learn ways to help decrease lower back pain and restore motion and strength.
Watch this video to learn what dehydration is, symptoms of dehydration, and why it's important to stay hydrated.
Watch this video for a checklist on how to reduce your risk of becoming dehydrated.
Here are the steps for using RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation to treat an injury.
Here is how to pick a cane that fits you correctly.
Here is how to pick crutches that correctly fit you.
Here is how to pick a walker so that it fits you correctly.
Here is how to safely go through doors using a walker.
Here are the steps for going through a door with crutches.
Here is how to go up and down curbs using a walker.
Here are the steps for sitting with a walker when you can't put weight on your leg or foot.
Here is how to safely sit down with a walker.
Here is how to safely sit down using crutches.
Here are the steps for sitting with crutches, when you are able to bear weight on your foot.
Here are the steps to standing with a walker, when you are not able to put weight on your leg or foot.
Here is how to safely stand up using a walker.
Here is how to stand using crutches.
Here are the steps for standing with crutches, when you are able to put weight on your foot.
Here is how to use a cane.
Here is how to safely use a cane on stairs.
Here are the steps for using a walker when you can't put weight on your leg or foot.
Here is how to use a walker.
Here is how to safely use crutches on stairs.
Here are the steps for using crutches with "step through" for weight-bearing walking.
Here are the steps for correctly using crutches with "step to" for weight-bearing walking.
Here is how to use crutches with swing through.
Here is how to use crutches with swing to.
This video will teach viewers how to recognize a possible concussion, including symptoms of a concussion, as well as gain an understanding of how to recover from a concussion and when it's safe to resume activities.
This video will teach viewers how the influenza virus is transmitted, how to recognize its symptoms, and how to treat it at home. They will also know when to seek medical attention in severe cases.
This video will teach viewers how bronchitis is transmitted and how to recognize its symptoms. They will also learn how it's diagnosed and treated, including at-home strategies for symptom relief.
This video will teach viewers what causes pneumonia and how to recognize its symptoms. They will also learn strategies for treating pneumonia, including safe antibiotic use, and when they should seek medical help.
This video will teach viewers the symptoms and causes of cellulitis, as well as how it is treated in the doctor's office and what they can do at home to relieve symptoms.
Watch this video to learn what causes gallstones, the symptoms, complications, and treatment strategies.
This video will teach viewers the major causes of neck and back pain, as well as at-home strategies to relieve neck and back pain, including the use of over-the-counter medications.
This video will teach viewers how RICE is used to treat joint injuries, as well as give them tips on how to correctly apply the techniques at home.
This video will teach viewers how to take care of their cast until it completely hardens and after it hardens, and when to call their provider.
This video will teach viewers how to stand, sit, walk, and go up and down stairs safely while using crutches.
The crutches or walker you use must be the right size so that you can move about safely. This video shows you how to correctly fit either crutches or a walker.
This video shows you how to use your crutches to go up and down stairs, how to move through a doorway, and how to get in and out of a motor vehicle.
This video shows you how to use a walker when you need to keep all weight off one leg, and how to use it when your doctor says it's OK to put your foot down between steps.
Walking with crutches takes some practice, but it's not difficult. This video shows you how to use different gaits with your crutches, depending on whether you can put weight on the injured leg or foot.